“6 Legislative Priorities to Watch in 2019”

In 2019, state lawmakers will have a number of important issues to address, including healthcare, taxes, education, and more. Here are six legislative priorities to watch in the new year.


In 2019, state lawmakers will continue to debate how to respond to the opioid crisis, including how to fund treatment and prevention programs.

One major issue that state legislators will need to address is the Medicaid expansion. In 2018, several states expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, which could be a major issue in 2019.

State lawmakers will also need to decide whether to continue or change the meaningful use initiative, which is designed to make healthcare more affordable for patients.

Another major issue that state legislators will likely debate is drug prices. State lawmakers will continue to debate how to increase regulation of pharmaceuticals and limit price gouging by pharmacies.

Tax reform

As the state’s budget continues to deteriorate, lawmakers are looking for ways to raise money. One option is to reform the tax system. There are a number of different proposals being put forward, each with its own benefits and drawbacks.

One major challenge for lawmakers will be finding a way to implement tax reform without causing too much economic harm. Any successful tax reform will likely require the support of both the Republican and Democratic parties, making it a difficult task to achieve.

Ultimately, tax reform is designed to improve the state’s economy. However, there are a number of other factors that must be taken into account, including how the changes will affect people at all income levels.


State legislators must invest in education and make improvements to the state’s K-12 education system.

The state Legislature must pass legislation to raise funding for education, which is necessary to improve student achievement.

The state Legislature must pass a bill that addresses teacher pay and benefits, as well as increasing funding for education programs overall.

The state Legislature must fortify the accountability system in place for schools and ensure that all students are given the opportunity to succeed.

The state Legislature must pass legislation that ensures all students have access to college and vocational training options, in addition to traditional K-12 schooling.

The state Legislature must fund programs that provide assistance to low-income families who are trying to send their children to college or improve their skillset so they can find a job after graduation.


As states continue to grow, they need to invest in infrastructure to support not just their own populations, but also the economies of their neighboring states. This includes everything from roads and bridges to schools and hospitals.

States should work together to create a funding framework for infrastructure projects. This way, each state can invest without feeling constantly pressured to bail out other states in financial distress. Infrastructure projects should be designed to reduce their hariability and increase efficiency. Additionally, states should make sure that their projects are ready for the future – not just now, but for the coming years as well.

In addition to funding and design, another key factor when constructing infrastructure is sustainability. Not only does this protect the environment, but it also makes sure that the projects last long-term. By leaving infrastructure in good condition for future generations, states are ensuring that everyone benefits – both now and in the future.

Crime and justice

There is a continued need to find ways to reduce crime rates in the United States. There has been a recent increase in hate crimes and it is important to create policies that address these issues. Crimes such as murder, rape, and assault have decreased in recent years, but there are still many that need to be addressed. Programs that help children and teens avoid criminal activity in the future are vital to the reduction of crime rates. It is also important to prosecute criminals correctly and give them the appropriate punishment. Mental health services are necessary for those who commit crimes as well.


During the 2019 legislative session, lawmakers will have a number of important issues to address, including healthcare, taxes, education, and more. Here are six additional legislative priorities to watch for.

1. Healthcare: In 2019, lawmakers will continue to debate proposals that would improve healthcare options for Texans. Some proposed changes would allow Texans to purchase insurance across state lines, while others would expand Medicaid eligibility. Lawmakers will also be looking at ways to shore up the state’s disaster relief fund in the event of a major healthcare crisis.

2. Tax reform: Another key issue during the 2019 legislative session is tax reform. State lawmakers are currently working on proposals that would lower tax rates and make it easier for businesses to operate in Texas. It’s still unclear which specific proposals will make it into law, but lawmakers are expected to make progress this year.

3. Education: Education is another important area of focus for lawmakers this year. They’ll be reviewing proposals related to teacher pay, school funding, and more.

4. Infrastructure: Another priority for lawmakers this year is infrastructure development. They’ll be looking at ways to improve roads, bridges, and other public facilities.

5. Crime and justice: Crime and justice will be a key issue during the 2019 legislative session. Lawmakers will be looking at ways to reduce crime rates, increase access to mental health services, and more.

6. Miscellaneous: Other issues that may come up during the 2019 legislative session include efforts to improve transparency in government, protecting the environment, and more. Stay tuned throughout the year as lawmakers work on these important issues.

In 2019, state lawmakers will have a number of important issues to address, including healthcare, tax reform, education, and more. Make sure to keep an eagle eye on these six key areas as the new year unfolds!






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